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Data and Digital Services Portfolio

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)’s Division of Data and Digital Services (DDS) is a group of data analysts and scientists who analyze transportation data, such as General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data, or data from funding programs such as the Active Transportation Program. Our goal is to transform messy and indecipherable original datasets into usable, customer-friendly products to better the transportation landscape.


Certain analytical projects are accessible on individual sites. Source code can be found on GitHub.

Legislative District GTFS Digest

California Transit Speed Maps

GTFS Digest

SB125 Fund Split Analysis

SB125 Route Illustrations

AHSC Ridership Prediction Dashboard

District GTFS Digest

NTD Monthly Ridership by RTPA

Testing a Portfolio


Accurate and timely GTFS data is a critical part of a providing a good transit experience. Our reports measure the quality of the GTFS data produced by an individual transit operator each month.

California GTFS Quality Dashboard

Open Data Portal

One of DDS’s goals is to make transit data readily available for members of the public through publishing datasets on the State of California’s Open Data Portal.

HQTA Areas: Feature Server or Map Server.
HQTA Stops: Feature Server or Map Server.
CA Transit Routes: Feature Server or Map Server.
CA Transit Stops: Feature Server or Map Server.
CA Average Transit Speeds by Stop-to-Stop Segments: Feature Server or Map Server.
CA Average Transit Speeds by Route and Time of Day: Feature Server or Map Server.
All GTFS datasets: Metadata/Data Dictionary.